12 February 2012

Thank you my friends / Dank je mijn vrienden

This was a wonderful week of celebrating with "old" friends and making a few new ones. This week has invigorated me and I have lots of ideas for new things. I mentioned a few Friday. Monday I am posting a book cover tutorial because I just happened to be making one (more about this Monday) and I thought why not !
I also have another idea that I will throw out. I don't know if it is possible but thought why not ask if anyone is interested. Curious???
See you Monday


  1. I'm always interested in ideas. :)

  2. I am very curious! And I've been thinking about making a book cover for ages now. Maybe your tutorial will give the much needed nudge.

  3. I am glad I found your blog Beth, I already knew you're writings at "the Fire-set blog". You're very inspiring.


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