26 April 2012

MidCoast Surface Design Workshops

Today we go "live" with our summer schedule for surface design classes. This is an opportunity to spend some time along the breathtaking Maine coast AND have some surface design fun. Marcella Christensen and I have started these workshops which will be held in three different locations in MidCoast Maine from Rockland to Searsport. Please visit our website and check out the classes starting in June 2012.

22 April 2012


As I mentioned before in a previous post, I was in two shows in March, selling a crow piece at Aar Hus Gallery  If you scroll down this link you will find "A Murder of Crows", which is the title of the May show. I will be submitting these three works.

I cropped these last two so you can see the frame I made for them. It is 1 1/2" deep with a 1/4" reveal.

 I will also be in an exhibit in Deer Isle, Maine at the Pearson Legacy Gallery. The show is titled "Wings, Waves and Woods". For sure, I will be exhibiting, "Collateral Damage", one of my favorites as well as Penobscot Bay Sunrise" which is still awaiting beading. I may have another crow piece done for that show as well. Wish me well!

08 April 2012

New work from my deconstructed screen prints

Here are 2 things I am working on. This little thing about 10" X 10" was quick and fun. I like it.
And this is larger  33" X 24". I originally had gotten the spark of an idea while watching a crime show and the coroner was looking at x-rays of someone's teeth. Of course I also spent my professional life looking at x-rays of people's teeth too. I will call it, Vignettes.
These are all small bits of cut up deconstructed screen printed fabric

07 April 2012

Solo Show "High Fiber"

The month of October I will fill an entire cafe with my work. You can be sure I will take plenty of photos. There will be a wine and cheese reception on opening night and all the pieces will also be offered for sale. The cafe is part of the Belfast Co-op.  You can see on the bottom left of their homepage, the artist of the month.

         This is the village center
                               And this terribly poor quality picture is Belfast from Penobscot Bay.