23 August 2011

Fun Name Badge

Linda Kemshall encouraged her viewers to make a name badge for themselves for Festival of Quilts in the UK. I think she said everyone with a handmade name badge would get a special something from her booth during the show. Well, I am taking a workshop this weekend at ProChem, teaching a workshop at Fiber College, and hosting the Northern New England SAQA parlor meeting a.k.a. The Maine Event so I felt that plenty of reason to stitch up a fun name badge. Here it is in all its glory.

18 August 2011

My entries for the Brunswick 10X10

These are my entries for the Brunswick 10X10 show which raises money for art programs in the Brunswick school system.
                                                                      Sacred Circle
                                                                               Eric 4
                                                                  Green and Rust

16 August 2011

Standing Stones

After looking at this quilt for a while, I decided to rename it. It reminded me of the way the standing stones are supported at Stonehenge. I also took some more detailed photos of each block because it is a riot of free motion stitching. Here it goes.

02 August 2011


I cut another sharper version of my image and made some prints. The first 3 over 3 is on plain white.

This is done in Probrite (metallic) rust . Much nicer detail. The next one was on hand dyed silk and is sitting on a piece of hand dyed cotton.
 I will call this Deja Vu. I really like this one the best. The last is one a piece of hand snow dyed fabric.
This will be called Clouded Mind.

I am also going to start dyeing corn husks. I think that Judith is probably the only person who will go, OOOOOOO!!
and here is a peek at the stitched portrait in progress.

And last of all, here are 2 of the surface design Round Robin pieces before they are mailed out.