03 December 2020

I've got the "printing" bug

I have been drooling over print presses. The cheapest was about $250. and didn't get great reviews. From there they climb to $4000. so I decided to start small and used my pasta machine. 

I couldn't find my great printing paper (color me surprised) so I used the paper I use in my sketchbooks. I am just experimenting. I used Burnt Sienna and black Caligo Safe Wash ink. It's water clean up oil based paint. Great stuff on paper and even better on fabric. It takes 3 days to dry. Some of these were done on damp paper and some dry paper. Afterward I used up some of the ink on monoprnts using dictionary pages.


The plates were made from hard cardboard (chip board - cereal box material). People my age will call this shirt cardboard. Two were "primed" with matte acrylic medium and had images made with more acrylic medium. The other two were on untreated chip board with clear blue elmer's glue images. These were not as successful long term because the untreated chip board became soaked in ink and the images were obscure. The treated chip board was better. I primed 6 more "plates" with matte medium and will do more experimenting tomorrow.

30 November 2020

Jean's floor cloth


I think I've mentioned Jean and I have been learning how to make floor cloths from Marcella who has been making amazing ones for year. So far we "practiced" on a 18 X 36 piece, painting samples on both sides. We also did a design on a maybe 5 ft by 24" as well.

 It's getting late in the "pandemic" year and we probably won't see each other for a while now so Marcella came over and she showed us how to complete the floor cloth  "hem". Jean took this and the unfinished one home to finish and will do the triple coats of poly as well.

The green side below is the finished piece.

26 November 2020

Cool technique from the Kemshalls


I took this great workshop from Linda Kemshall. This is the second time she has demonstrated this amazing technique. This time I tried it. Instead of painting images, I used my own handmade stamps.These are my results.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

I did this on my own. I tinted the white on the paper with watercolors

If you are intrigued, click on the link and follow Linda's instructions. The workshop is only $1.97

23 November 2020

Jean made Marcella and I fabulous leaves


When Jean comes to play she usually brings a snack for us to share and some surprise. This week she brought yummy not too sweet muffins and these fabulous batik leaves. They are very hard; you could drive nails with them. Marcella's was the blues and greens and mine was the pinks and oranges. I LOVE my leaf.

19 November 2020

Ink marks on tissue paper


A blog follower alerted me to a publication from the Tate about Marks. Some of these marks were made on a person's body. They are very aboriginal.

16 November 2020

On our last Indigo dyeing session of 2020, Marcella gave me two tiny kids aprons which I dyed.

I was intending to make brush rolls out of them but realized I'd probably never use brush rolls.

I cut the bottoms off and used them to make pockets for the apron I use all the time as well as the new indigo dyed apron. I may give this away in a Give-Away.


12 November 2020

Cloth book


I had so much marked cloth from my experiments that I made a book with Japanese stab binding. Remember these pieces from the vessel?