16 November 2012

Playdate with Judith part 1

Today was Veterans Day which means it was a day off work for Judith. We planned to meet and talked about thickened dyes - one of my favs. After she came over we had a show and tell and got talking about the paper cloth she was making and using for book covers for her hand stitched books. I love making books and had seen a YouTube about making paper cloth. We decided to start the day with some paper cloth so it could dry while we worked with the dyes.

I had some ugly dark green commercial fabric and I started with light tissue paper, turquoise tissue, the thin paper pages from a medical dictionary which I bought for .50 just to use making paper cloth. I also had some nice tissue with images in black on it then I went to town adding paint to the paste/water mix.

Here is some torn paper toweling with paint on it that I saved so long ago I can't even remember it and the finishing touch were pieces of sparking chartreuse organza that I monoprinted.

Here is the piece finished in the sunlight from the skylight - hum!

I picked it up by the plastic it was on and dropped it on the floor so I could get a better picture.

Next blog post - The GREAT thickened dye adventure!!

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