31 January 2014

The rest of the story

Remember the play date that Judith and I had a few weeks ago? Then I never mentioned it again? It turned out we had SUCH a fabulous time dyeing fabric that Judith volunteered to do the February FIRE blog. Nienk's blog post got this one started. Where would I be without Nienke??
Please check out the YouTube of the DVD. This is if not the best DVD, at least in the top 3 I have ever seen.

First off, let me show you the amazing book Judith made for me when she came to the first play date. She hand made this paste paper then did a double stitched (?) binding. I am so in love with this paper. I decided to use it sideways for landscape sketches.

This is the teaser part of the blog post

Great finds at at the dollar store. 

So check in to the fire blog after February first and see the incredible stuff we did!!


  1. Love the journal! And now I can't wait to see what's in store for us for February.... fun!

  2. What a lovely paper. And wonderful buckets! Can't wait to see what you have done with it.


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