18 May 2016

Great new project

Transfer paint on polyester - Just to get your attention and has nothing to do with this post (smile)

This project is GREAT because I really need to lay low for a few more weeks and not overtax my shoulder.

OK, this is it. On DMTV, there are about 30 current programs you can watch. As new ones are added, the oldest one drops off. All is not lost because you can buy these archived shows in a few forms. I just received a four part "workshop" as a gift.  the person who gave it suggested I rest and immerse myself in these archived shows. That sounded like a plan and I went into the archive collection to view my new goodies. While there I also spotted a 3 show workshop which contained working with gouache and India ink. I REALLY wanted to see this technique again so I quickly and easily purchased the three show set (about an hour of instruction). This treat only cost me $6.54 for 3 shows. YES.

Well here is how I came up with my great "healing time" project. As I was watching the shows, various techniques were shown. Many of these I have already absorbed and use frequently like watercolor over oil pastels. BUT some of these techniques like the gouache and India ink process I couldn't remember. SO I opened a word document and started making notes on various techniques that I want to make mine and which video archive I saw them on. I am planning on watching the "Painterly Piecing" archive which was gifted to me plus the Beautiful Butterfly archive with the gouache and India ink. Now I can reference back to the shows in these archives whenever I want because I now have lifetime access!!

I originally only bought Archive One because I missed the first three shows done on DMTV. I will be happily viewing and annotating all my favorite techniques and which archive the instructions are on. Life is good!!


  1. Beth, I'm glad that you found a very productive way of resting - watching DMTV shows and learning new techniques. What could be better than that!!

  2. A great way to keep your spirits up and still keep your head and heart in art.


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