04 June 2014

Sketchbook with removable signatures

One of our readers, Penny, said she wanted to make a sketchbook with removable signatures from this post.

I said I would make a tutorial showing how to make it. I just received an email from Marcella with a link to a YouTube video showing just that so in the spirit of not reinventing the wheel, here it is!!


You can always find this in the tutorials on my home page under the header


  1. Thank you Beth. I'm still working my way through your old posts/tutorials. It's a lot of great information.

  2. Going right over...Thanks!!
    Here's a quote from May Angelou that was posted by Kathy Johnson on her blog "Cathcing Happiness", a blog I love to read.
    “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.” So thanks for tossing this out, Beth.


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