14 July 2017


 The commission is finally finished and framed. The last step, attaching the frame with gooey mastic, is a nail biter. Anything can go wrong including getting the turquoise mastic on the front of the piece. Thank God, no problems with this piece.

Finished but before attaching it to the back board. I had to add a strip of sky and a strip of "grass" because there wasn't enough fabric to wrap.

Framed laying in indirect sunlight

Framed and hanging on the wall. 

This is the first time I used a thinner backing board and one inch maple mini-blinds as framing material. It came out great!!

I free motion quilted some words under the arch. It says, "We are building an arch through which we will walk to freedom".


  1. Came out beautifully, and I love the secret message! Clever girl...


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