24 November 2015

A cautionary tale

This is just a quick warning. Never thought this would be possible but here it goes.

I have old eyes and I purchased 5 magnifying glasses and sprinkled them around the house. I especially like the one I use to thread my sewing machine needle (smile).

I also have one in the kitchen for reading labels and ingredients. Here it is in a cup/pen holder on my counter 

Then see what happened.

I thought that only happened to Daffy Duck and Elmer Fud. Guess not. It is now out of the direct sun.


  1. Wow, that could have been a disaster if there had been some paper or fabric there instead.

  2. Whodda thought! Ahem, I must go check some things! :O

  3. Wow, who knew the sun streaming indoors was so strong! We used to burn holes in paper with magnifying glasses when we were kids...but that was outdoors during summer!

  4. I seem to remember reading a piece by one of the regular columnists in a quilting magazine (can't remember which one)warning about this: she had accidently set fire to a quilt she was quilting when she left it with a magnifying glass positioned over it.

  5. Not something I ever would have even thought about before.

  6. Ha! Me too!!! It's not such a laughing matter when it happens in real life, but...who knew??

  7. Firstly, my lower jaw is on my keyboard......who knew??? Secondly, I now have to go and move all those stupid magnifiers that I have all over the house.

  8. What a hot day !!! your magnifying glass concentrated light and produced this "accident" ... a magnifying glass can produce even a flame if placed it in the path of a beam of light. if a magnifying glass has +10 dioptres, then focuses the light to 10cm from it. ... so, Beth, it's better to prepare a nice pouch for your magnifying glass or, anyway, to place it as not to cross any ray of light through it when you dont use it....


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