11 August 2015

Back after a hiatus

OK, OK, the vacation from blogging is slowly coming to a halt. So much has been going on that it will take a few posts to tell the story. I mentioned before I disappeared that I had found my birth family. They initially were going to visit me here in Maine but decided a trip east was a bit much for this summer. Meanwhile, I started getting the old (actually 8 years old) apartment ready for them. I had purchased paint 2 years ago after my father died and mother went into assisted living. The name of the color is "Raging Tiger River" - no kidding. I hadn't even vacuumed the place in a year so serious plastering of holes and prep work was needed.

Here is the living room and kitchen "before".

As you can see I left my new design wall up and cut around it with the green. You can see some patching above the lamp. There was LOTS of patching, mudding and sanding.

The after of the living room and kitchen was striking.

More painting and designing to come.......


  1. Productive weeks indeed.

  2. Fun to see how you're applying your talents to your interior!! I see a beloved friend there, hanging up...

  3. Looks like new, great job and nice colours...


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