22 January 2016

First few dolls

They finally arrived on Saturday and I went to work immediately going through the box FILLED with clothes and accessories as well as 16 dolls. All the clothes went into a bag to try to resell on eBay and the dolls went into a "hot tub" of warm water and Ivory dish washing liquid.

I used a nail brush to scrub their bodies and rinsed them off. You can see some feet/shoes I soaked as well.

Drip drying

Action central: acetone and paint

From this

to this

From this

to this 

I forgot to get a before picture of him

From this

to this

From this

to this

After a few experiments I decided to make all the shoes in white and add color with paint. I love the Mary Janes.
Five painted and with new clothes, ready to find new homes.

Another dolly pattern of a dress this time.


  1. What a lovely dolls, and a great idea, making them more wondering...

  2. You've worked hard. They are lovely.

  3. Great job. I hadn't realized how very tiny they are. fiddly?

  4. I love the idea. I spent a great deal of time making for my dolls growing up, making for my children dolls and beanie babies and their friends toys.
    The dolls really do look better.

  5. A such activity does not means that we fell into the minds of children but rather we still can enjoy as children. Beth, Congratulations for the cute dolls!
    PS.You tried to do Waldorf dolls?

  6. Thess dolls look wonderful and what a huge improvement! Very nicely done :)


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