31 October 2013

Starting in earnest

As you probably have guessed, I am less a traditional quilter than a fiber artist. I did get a bee in my bonnet about this the quilt that was raffled that I didn't win and now MUST make myself a quilt for my bed. I love to make quilts for others but I have little time to indulge myself. The faded purple quilt on my bed which you have seen as a backdrop for so many of my photos was one I bought at Linens and Things years ago. I like it because I have no real emotional attachment to it so I can ruin it, I really don't care.
However, I did once make myself a quilt. It is 94 X 94 and I made it for ME. It has tremendous meaning to me and I love it. The colors, the patterns, everything about it was a gift to myself. I've never slept under it nor has it ever been on a bed. It hangs in the stairway on the 2 story wall leading downstairs and it is a thing of beauty.
It is purple and green and the pattern is The Dunkard's Path. I love it and everything about it.

On this next quilt which I will use on my bed, I am using the same templates but aranging them into green circles. Here is the written plan

It is made of 4 L's and 4 pies. Each of the 49 blocks will contain 4 - L's (196 total) and 4 - pies (196 total). Now could these be easy to cut straight lines? no of course not. Each of the 392 pieces have one curved line and not even the same curve.

This is the template for the drunkards path

Next post, I whip out the rotary cuter. I know I spent almost an entire day just cutting the curves for the finished quilt so I am anticipating a LONG day with the rotary cutter.


  1. Good for you-you are ambitious!

  2. I did the same pattern with whole circles.See Marionstextileart.blogspot.com Oct.22
    2012. I had the feeling it went faster this way.
    Marion from Bavaria

  3. I love it too. I was just thinking of trying to incorporate a traditional block into a new artquilt, we will work along in the next weeks, even if there's an ocean in between ;-)


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