02 August 2011


I cut another sharper version of my image and made some prints. The first 3 over 3 is on plain white.

This is done in Probrite (metallic) rust . Much nicer detail. The next one was on hand dyed silk and is sitting on a piece of hand dyed cotton.
 I will call this Deja Vu. I really like this one the best. The last is one a piece of hand snow dyed fabric.
This will be called Clouded Mind.

I am also going to start dyeing corn husks. I think that Judith is probably the only person who will go, OOOOOOO!!
and here is a peek at the stitched portrait in progress.

And last of all, here are 2 of the surface design Round Robin pieces before they are mailed out.

1 comment:

  1. your round robins are beautiful - and I'm totally intrigued by your stamp portraits...


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