23 August 2011

Fun Name Badge

Linda Kemshall encouraged her viewers to make a name badge for themselves for Festival of Quilts in the UK. I think she said everyone with a handmade name badge would get a special something from her booth during the show. Well, I am taking a workshop this weekend at ProChem, teaching a workshop at Fiber College, and hosting the Northern New England SAQA parlor meeting a.k.a. The Maine Event so I felt that plenty of reason to stitch up a fun name badge. Here it is in all its glory.


  1. Lovely work.. Have great fun with your art.

  2. Wow, these are so cool, every time I see an employee wearing a name badges in an old photo, I wish I had one!

  3. These attractive name badge astonished me completely. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Badges Australia


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